Sunday, 29 May 2011

I now seeeee! What katy perry meant when she asked if you ever felt like a plastic bag.

if you ain't a fan of airy fairy deep meaningful thoughts just ignore this and admire the pretty pictures

it's only once you've lost everything that you're free enough to stop caring, and then you can do anything.

you really have nothing to lose once you've lost it all.

it's very liberating.

you can run away to mexico, you can become a playboy bunny, you can become a rock star, you can lie around all day long eating chocolate digestives and painting your toenails, you can breed cats for a living, you can become a ballerina, you can work hard and get to the top or you can drop out of college and live off benefits, you can go places or you can get put back in the priory, you can get pregnant, you can go look after indian orphans, you can be a party animal or you can sit quietly and write books, you can do whatever you want because there is no one and nothing to think about anymore.

or you might not have a clue what to do with your life, and instead float around london like an aimless plastic tesco's bag, sitting on buses listening to your ipod staring out the window and pondering stuff.

... and just for LOLS:

Saturday, 28 May 2011

used to not be allowed in the building, but now we on the rooftops

“Waking up, Breakfast, going back to sleep feeling like a baby in a cloud.

Teacups, Cats, KitKats, Lie-ins,
Spotty tights, Mulberry bags
Pretty black models, Fashion photography, Men’s cardigans, Granny cardigans, Makeup, Filmmaking, ice cold super fizzy cherry diet coke
Reading, writing, Melissa, Crumble, Long showers, Coffee and canderel, Nail varnish, Leomie Anderson, Supermarkets, Shopping sprees, Jumpsuits
Megan Fox, Francisco Lachowski
veggie sausage sandwiches with lettuce and ketchup, man!”

being happy is so temporary.

i think i'm fine
cause when friends are talking
or i'm laughing
or the sun is shining
or doors are opened
or numbers go down
or the music is playing
or i'm feeling invincible
i'm spending money
it tastes delicious
stuff can make you happy
it's easy to forget.

then i remember
and i feel hopeless.

i devote this post to my breadrin.

pippa wright is another fan of my blog.
she is also my breadrin and a sincere bread eater.

i think back to the good ol' days when life was simple. all we used to do was bunk off PE lessons and sit in the year 11 common room eating bread.

life was sweet.

let us take a moment to remember the days of dyke school. let us remember the broccoli green uniforms, the boring assemblies, the dumb teachers and the infinite bags of hovis.
i miss you, come and have crumpets at my place soon. xxxx

as you can see,

my lunch was rather buff today.
just sayin'

Thursday, 26 May 2011

rain, rain, go away

"youre never gonna be as young as you are today."

...dear music,
you're everything that i have now.

not being in earthquakes
i live in a little flat above the train line and it trembles and shakes whenever a train goes by underneath. and every time, i get scared that there's an earthquake and the end has come.